The Penis Book: A Doctor’s Guide to the Penis–from Size to Function and Everything in Between
I’m excited to announce that on February 20, Rodale will release my guide to maximum penis health: The Penis Book: A Doctor’s Complete Guide to the Penis—From Size to Function and Everything in Between. It’s the culmination of years of research and medical practice, and I’m excited to finally be sharing it with you!
To give you a taste, here’s a look at my 5-Step Plan for Maximum Penis Health, which provides you with all the tools you need to keep your tool in tip-top shape.
Step One: Go Fork Yourself
I’ve written before about how important a good diet is when it comes to penis health, and it’s still true. What you stick your fork into can have a huge effect on whether your cucumber stays fresh or gets pickled. The key is circulation—without it, the blood can’t flow, and that spells trouble for the penis. Healthy eating promotes the formation of nitric oxide (NO). So when you’re making your choices about what to eat, you want to just say NO to anything that doesn’t boost that NO.
And speaking of “no,” don’t think your entire diet can only consist of veggies! While a plant-based diet has a lot going for it in terms of penis health, that doesn’t mean you can’t also have some treats now and then. Chocolate and wine, for instance, are full of flavonoids, which can boost NO and reduce the risk of heart disease. Just be sure you don’t overdo it—your bedroom activities, not to mention your waistline, won’t thank you.
Step Two: Sexercise
Remember how blood flow can have a big impact on your boner? One of the best ways to keep that blood flowing is to get enough exercise. Being active has actually been shown to prevent erection problems, whereas being sedentary leads to an accumulation of toxins in the blood that destroy that oh-so-vital NO. While walks are nice, the real benefit comes from more rigorous exercise a few days a week.
And if you want to focus your exercise efforts on the pecker itself, Kegel exercises have a whole host of positive benefits, and they’re easy to do, too.
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Step Three: Go Offline
When twenty-five percent of all Internet hits are pornography, it’s no surprise that porn can lead to big problems with sexual performance. Getting it online can lead to burnout, which can mean less satisfaction in the sack. Plus, there’s a lack of realism in porn, which can lead to unrealistic standards for your own body.
Your biggest sex organ is your brain, which means you need to keep it healthy, not mired in staring at the screen. When your brain’s in the game, so is your penis, and that leads to much happier hump days.
Step Four: Detox
While classic films may make it look sexy, smoking is anything but when it comes to penis health. The toxins in the smoke get into your bloodstream and damage your blood vessels, impacting that all-important NO. Worst of all, while the effects of smoking can be alleviated to a point, your ability to reverse the damage and prevent issues like erectile dysfunction get slimmer the longer you puff.
Other drugs, both prescribed and not, can also have damaging side effects when it comes to your penis. Ideally, you should avoid getting sick at all; barring that, however, be sure you talk to your doctor about what you’re in for.
Step Five: Snooze or Lose
This one you can do in your sleep…literally. Getting enough sleep causes your testosterone to surge, promoting healthy nerves and circulation. This can be tough to do in our 24-hour society, but it’s vital for penis health. Even one night of five or fewer hours of sleep can cause testosterone to drop significantly. Ideally you should be getting seven to nine hours of sleep a night for optimal health—and not just on weekends.
Want to know more about how to keep your penis happy? Check out The Penis Book, available from Rodale starting February 20th!
Go fork yourself! I can’t wait until I get a copy!